Termination Clause in Terms and Conditions

By: Etienne Cussol CIPP/E, CIPM Etienne Cussol CIPP/E, CIPM | Updated on: September 17, 2021

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Create Your Terms and Conditions

A termination clause is a critical part of protecting a business in case of user misuse. Termination clauses can often be found in a business’s terms and conditions. They can also be found in other legal agreements, such as:

  • Employment contracts
  • Rental agreements
  • Construction contracts
  • Commercial contracts

In this article, you’ll learn what a termination clause is, why you might need one, and how to write one for your business.

Table of Contents
  1. What is a Termination Clause?
  2. Do I Need a Termination Clause?
  3. Termination Sample Clauses
  4. How to Write a Termination Clause

What is a Termination Clause?

A termination clause outlines the guidelines for user termination. It can include user behavior expectations, details on the termination process, account termination consequences, and more.

Terms and conditions, also known as terms of service or terms of use, often have a termination clause. Terms and conditions are a contract between a website and its users. This contract is used to state the rules of your website or business for your users.

You can list details on user behavior expectations in the termination clause or elsewhere in your terms and conditions.

Do I Need a Termination Clause?

You are not legally required to have a termination clause. However, if you are a website or business owner, it is in your own interest to have one. A termination clause can help protect your business from unacceptable user behavior.

However, a termination clause alone is not necessarily enough to keep your business protected. A termination clause is usually just one section of a website’s terms and conditions. The terms and conditions, as a whole, outline the rules of use for a website or business. Terms and conditions can also be used to help protect your intellectual property.

Other legal policies, like privacy policies and return policies, are also important tools for keeping your business protected.

Termination Sample Clauses

Your termination clause may look much different than one from another website. However, some common termination sample clauses include language like the following:

  • “If we terminate or suspend your account for any reason, you are prohibited from registering and creating a new account.”
  • “We reserve the right to, in our sole discretion and without notice or liability, deny access to and use of the site.”
  • “We reserve the right to take appropriate legal action, including without limitation pursuing civil, criminal, and injunctive redress.”

You can read other websites’ termination clauses to get a better understanding of how they are used to protect a business.

Review these examples to learn more:

Example 1: Facebook’s Termination Clause

Facebook includes their termination clause in their Terms of Service. It states why Facebook might terminate an account and how the termination process will work.


Example 2: Discord’s Termination Clause

Discord’s termination clause is also found in their Terms of Service. It includes the process for a user to terminate their account, as well as how the company might terminate a user’s account. They also include some potential consequences of account termination.


Example 3: Apple’s Termination Clause

Apple’s termination clause can be found in their terms and conditions. It outlines the termination process if a user fails to comply with any part of the agreement.


How to Write a Termination Clause

Here are a few ways to write a termination clause for your terms and conditions:

  1. Write them yourself — but be careful not to copy another company’s or website’s legal agreements. Copying someone else’s legal agreements could qualify as copyright infringement. Additionally, other websites’ legal agreements are not tailored to your specific website and may not provide adequate legal protection.
  2. Use a terms and conditions template.
  3. Hire a lawyer to draft or review your termination clause or your entire terms and conditions agreement.
  4. Use a terms and conditions generator to help you draft terms and conditions with a termination clause.

When drafting your termination clause, consider the following:

  1. What user behavior is unacceptable for the use of your website or business?
  2. What will the termination process look like?
  3. What are the consequences of termination?

Once you’ve written your termination clause, you’ll want to add it to your terms and conditions. You should display your terms and conditions in a visible and accessible place on your website.

By creating a termination clause, you’ll be protecting your website against potential user misbehavior. If you need help drafting your terms and conditions, start with Termly’s Terms and Conditions Generator.

Etienne Cussol CIPP/E, CIPM
More about the author

Written by Etienne Cussol CIPP/E, CIPM

Etienne is an Information Privacy professional and compliance analyst for Termly. He has been with us since 2021, managing our own compliance with data protection laws and participating in our marketing researches. His fields of expertise - and interest - include data protection (GDPR, ePrivacy Directive, CCPA), tracking technologies (third-party cookies, fingerprinting), and new forms of privacy management (GPC and the Google Privacy Sandbox). Etienne studied International Economic Affairs at the University of Toulouse, and graduated with a Masters in 2017. More about the author

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